A few weeks back a call came through from the good people over at CTV. They had read an article about us in the Georgia strait and wanted to come shoot the morning show in the shop. Obviously we were happy to oblige them even though we had to get up at 4:30 am. In true breakfast TV style, Dawn was enthusiastic about discussing all things vintage, from what to look for when picking Levis, some hot summer looks, the low down on snapbacks, to her hot pink wrangler butt. Kat, Rose and Dre from Queens in Gas Town came out and got all dolled up in some F as in Frank looks. Big thanks to them and check them out
here. To watch part 1 and part 2 of the show just click the links.
CTV Breakfast Television X F as in Frank Vintage part 1 CTV Breakfast Television X F as in Frank Vintage part 2 crownthequeens.com