It is pretty common knowledge that Bill Cosby is a true innovator when it comes to knit fashions. I would give my left nut to just have a brows through his closet. I'm sure it would be total cerebral overload. The legacy of the Cosby Sweater is told best by the man that created it, Koos van den Akker, in the VBS film below. Koos is an amazing designer and visionary who still to this day is producing these amazing works of art in NYC. I love this guy, especially his commentary about working with women. Watch the clip ------ A lot of people think that Coogi sweater is the Og Cosby. It was Biggy Smalls that made Coogi famous in the Hip Hop scene but I will save that for another blog post. You know F as in Frank gets down with the Cosby sweater. We have so many amazing Cosby sweaters for sale online as well as in both our Vancouver and Toronto shops. We even pay homage to this classic in our Snap line by creating our own version a la Cardigan. I think I have probably had a million of these sweaters pass through my hands but I have yet to get my hands on a Vintage Koos original. The hunt continues!!!!!!!!!! Drew H,