We are sending out an open invitation to our loyal fans and customers to submit your very own F AS IN FRANK T-shirt designs. From now until Feb 29th, submit your graphics to
faiftshirtcontest@gmail.comfor a chance to have your design printed in limited quantities and featured in our shops and online. Winners will receive a $200 online gift certificate and their winning shirt in a size of their choosing. Here are the details: - Submit your designs between now and February 29 2012, no exceptions - Designs must be submitted to
faiftshirtcontest@gmail.com - All images must be submitted in jpeg or PDF format - Designs must be four colours or less - A maximum of three submissions per person - Images submitted for the contest will become the property of F as in Frank - Top designs will be featured on our website for voting - Winning artists will be featured on our blog - We will be choosing more than one winner - Artists will get full credit for their work - All graphics must contain either F AS IN FRANK, FRANK, or FAIF. You can theme graphics for either shop (Vancouver or Toronto) as well - Follow @fasinfrankmain for contest updates Have fun and lest see what you can do!