The soldier on the left is wearing the desert night camo parka.
The desert night camo pattern was not introduced until the golf war. It was created as a counter measure to night vision technology of the time. The fishtail parka and pants were produced in the desert night pattern and meant to be warn over top of the Chocolate-chip desert camouflage (aka - 6 colour camouflage). This particular camo pattern was short lived. As night vision technology got better, it became very visible at night, causing the US Army to discontinue it.
The Supreme Fishtail Parka is a very close representation of the original military version with a few slight modifications. I have yet to see this jacket in person but from first glance the only real differences are the addition of a full front zipper and the Riot patch on the back. On the original, the pockets are just slits, created like that so you could reach into the pocket of the layer underneath. Im sure that Supreme has tailored theirs with proper finished pockets. The two secondary colour ways of this jacket are also creations of Supreme. I am not sure if black was ever an army issue colour but I am certain that the black and white night camouflage version is an original. To view the full Supreme SS 2014
lookbook click Here. [youtube video_id="SNyF0A-YL8k" width="640" height="360" ]