The good people at F as in Frank have been working hard to bring you their latest retail concept, “The Rag Machine".
On the heels of their wildly successful, F As In Frank semi-annual Fill a Bag sale, the Heifetz brothers and their father David, have created a store that offers a similar experience; superior used and vintage clothing at rock bottom prices.
The concept is simple. Grab a basket, dig through the bins of assorted (clothing, garments, threads, duds) (blouses, denim jackets, t-shirts, dresses etc.), both men’s and women’s, bring your picks to the scale and pay one price, $4.97 per lb!!!! Yes, $4.97 per lb.
The Heifetz boys are on a mission to bring you the best quality used clothing available at the cheapest price and they are making a bold claim.
The Rag Machine is absolutely the cheapest option in the lower mainland when it comes to thrift. The Rag Machine even beats Value Village by a minimum of 50%.
Besides being the cheapest option for used clothing, The Rag Machine will divert approximately 50 tons of used clothing from going to landfill each year. Quite simply, there is no better place to buy your used and vintage clothing.
The Rag Machine will be open 7 days a week from 11 am to 7 pm and it is located in the alley behind F as in Frank at 2425 Main St.