SNAP | Reworked Vintage by F as in Frank is proud to announce the long anticipated limited release of FAIF MC. In this hand-tailored capsule collection, we pay homage to the deeply rooted easy rider spirit within the vintage fashion culture, with inspiration drawn from the motorcycle club fashions of the 60’s. Each garment in the FAIF MC collection is one of a kind and hand made with love by our in-house design team. Hours of work have gone into each piece to create this look, utilizing vintage denim, motorcycle motifs, and embellishments. All FAIF MC garments are created from recycled materials.
“It was never about where we're going, because we were going nowhere, or maybe we were going somewhere but I don’t remember. It was about the journey, the trip. It was about how we came to be where we were and what was going on around and inside us. That’s why we did the drugs, to discover things. We would just ride our bikes for hours into the middle of nowhere as fast as we could. We never got scared because to us it was dangerous not to do it, not to experiment, not to love. We were free, free like the soaring eagles, free like the wolf packs of the north. As long as I woke up next to a sexy female and my bike, life was good.”
Bobby Lee James, On MC Club life in the 60’s.
On July 12th FAIF MC will be available exclusively through F AS IN FRANK retail locations. We are holding a launch party at our Vancouver location from 7-10pm. Please join us for this exciting event. Click here for details.
Each store will have a limited number of garments, as follows; Ladies cut off denim shorts (25 pieces), ladies western sleeveless denim top (25 pieces), unisex denim club vest (5 pieces) and leather motorcycle club jacket (1 piece) .
Conceptual design by Jessica Goosen
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