End of Summer Alley Sale Recap

Posted by Ben Crudo on

Hope you didn't sleep on our latest alley sale!! $10 to fill a bag of vintage, 30% Off EVERYTHING in the store, and free BBQ. Doing it like only Frank can.

Line up started at 7 AM. Free for all at 11 AM. Adam trying to replace John at Frank and on the grill. Who gives you hundreds of snapbacks off the roof?? ...... Uncle Jesse that's who. What you know about Grammy Award winning Milli Vanilli?? Thumbs up to Hot dogs & Hunnies. All that gear for $10??..... Nice work Bro. What's an Alley Sale without an Alley Cat?

Well BIG thanks to all of you that came down and made off like bandits.  And for those who missed out, see you at the next one!!

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