Cazal created their distinctive sunglass style in the 80’s and quickly became famous for their unique and futuristic shapes and colour combinations. These legendary sunglasses can often be seen in movies or music videos, ecspecially of the hip hop genre. Run DMC rocked the hell out of them back in the day.

Director phenomen Guy Ritchie always uses these shades in his movies as seen here on his 2000 hit movie Snatch (wicked flic!)

Agreed Omarion may have over done it here with his vintage Adidas pull over, Louis Vuitton scarf, MCM and Louis Vuitton coin pouches AND the Cazal shades but shit, the dude got flow and wants to flaunt it. I'd do the same and don't deny it, you probably would too.
Rick Ross knows how to do it right.
Damn Rihanna (or Reeree as some people prefer to say) always looks cutting edge hot even when she looks like a fool!
And I don't care what anyone has to say about P Diddy, the man is a multi millionaire, his actual designer line is hot as hell and his cologne makes any guy smell like a million bucks, and I hate the guy. He rocks the shit out of Cazal all the time.