Me and the boys were chilling out on a sunday night playing some dice when it came to my attention that there is this unusual strap on my 40's Montgomery Ward hunting jacket. I have wondered many times what this strap could have been for. Was it a head strap to help you carry loads in the game pocket (where you put your ducks and such)? Was it a strap to hang your jacket when you where to hot to wear it? Was it to hang your bloody bleeding birds from while they drip dry? Was it a strap to turn the jacket into an apron for when you are butchering your kill? There are many functions on todays clothing that are usefull but there are also many functions that are completely BS. In the 40's you can be sure that this feature was function before before fashion. What could it be for?
What function does this fashion serve? We are asking for your help in to this dilema. Please tell us your thoughts on this wicked cool yet perplexing feature. Hopefully someone has some insite and knowledge to share with us.